Blogger Sunniva Pollestad Haugland has posted before and after pictures after using CIT Roller from âme pure®

The popular blogger Sunniva Pollestad Haugland was very open in her blog telling that she has been struggling with bad skin and especially acne scars. She has gone through only 8 weeks with CIT Face Roller and Collagen Therapy and has got amazing results.

This is taken from Sunniva´s blog:

"Here you can really see how much my skin has improved. It's not perfect, but compared to the before picture skin feels wonderfully well.
The before picture was taken by my boyfriend in the summer, not long after we had met.
My self-esteem dropped so far down when I saw this picture where in a bright light you can the skin especially well.
I hated it and would rather walk around with a big helmet."

If you want to read more about Sunniva´s experience with CIT Roller from âme pure®, then you can go to her blog

CIT Face roles is a revolutionary treatment that is right for you suffering from:

Acne Scars
Large pores
Rough skin texture
Pigment spots
Hair loss

If you need to treat stretch marks and cellulite, we recommend that you choose CITBody Roller.

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